
This Cython module contains core algorithms for multidimensional data. In particular, some distance caching and the cover-tree friends matching.

If a function requires its own explicit iterator in a loop, probably it should go here. Anything that is just a vectorized operation in NumPy or Pandas can go in plain python elsewhere.

See for ideas on writing efficient code in Cython.

This module is compiled by either of these commands
  • python install (as called by pip for standard installation and use)
  • python build_ext --inplace (as run by developers for code testing)


Automatically-generated online documentation will never see the C-only functions that are defined with cdef in Cython, as shown in Because of the limitations of Sphinx, you’ll have to simply view the sourcecode for further information. For this module, these C-only functions include

  • is_partition_bool()
  • is_partition_list()