Source code for timeseries.test_mollifier

Test the mollifier code

- This file is part of 
- 2015, 2016, 2017 by Geometric Data Analytics, Inc. (
- AGPL license. See `LICENSE` or

import numpy
from timeseries import curve_geometry

[docs]class TestMollifier:
[docs] def setup(self): a = -1.0 b = 1.0 h = 0.3 m = 100 sigma = .1 numpy.random.seed(seed=70713) # set up original function and noisy version self.dt = (b - a)/m self.time = a + self.dt * numpy.arange(m) error = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=m)*sigma fWithNoise = numpy.cos(self.time) + error fWithNoise[int(m / 2)] = 1.4 self.position = fWithNoise self.num_refinements = 3
[docs] def teardown(self): del self.time del self.dt del self.position del self.num_refinements
[docs] def setup_method(self, function): pass
[docs] def teardown_method(self, function): pass
[docs] def test_refinement_counts(self): point_count = self.time.shape[0] for refinement in range(self.num_refinements): refined = curve_geometry.mollifier(self.time, self.position, (refinement+1), width=0.3) assert (refinement+1)*point_count==refined[0,:].shape[0],\ """input time shape {} and refined shape {} are mismatched for refinement {}.""".format(self.time.shape[0], refined[0,:].shape[0], (refinement+1))
[docs] def test_resonable_reconstruction(self): for refinement in range(self.num_refinements): R = curve_geometry.mollifier(self.time, self.position, 2**(refinement+1), width=0.3) # \|cos(t)\|_\infty = 1 \implies rel_err = abs_err err = numpy.linalg.norm((numpy.cos(R[0,:])-R[1,:]),ord=numpy.inf) assert err <= 0.1,\ """Failed to make a resonable reconstruction, relative error {} > 0.1""".format(err)
if __name__ == '__main__': T = TestMollifier() T.setup() T.test_refinement_counts() T.teardown()