Source code for timeseries

This module defines tools for geometric analysis of one-dimensional
(time-series) data sets.  The main classes are

    - :class:`Signal`
    - :class:`SpaceCurve`

See `timeseries-data` for a more general outline.

- This file is part of 
- 2015, 2016, 2017 by Geometric Data Analytics, Inc. (
- AGPL license. See `LICENSE` or


>>> el = Signal([2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.9])
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death  pers
0            0            1    2.0    3.0   1.0
1            4            3    2.5    5.0   2.5
2            2            3    0.0    5.0   5.0
>>> bin_counts, bins = el.pers.bin(1.0)
>>> print(bins)
[-inf   0.   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.  inf]
>>> print(bin_counts)
[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  1.  1.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]]
>>> sorted(list(
[(0, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
>>> for interval in el.iter_intervals():
...     print("h_A( {} ) == {}".format(interval,el.interval_height(interval)))
h_A( (0, 1) ) == 1.0
h_A( (0, 2) ) == 0.0
h_A( (0, 3) ) == 0.0
h_A( (0, 4) ) == 0.0
h_A( (0, 5) ) == 0.0
h_A( (1, 2) ) == 0.0
h_A( (1, 3) ) == 0.0
h_A( (1, 4) ) == 0.0
h_A( (1, 5) ) == 0.0
h_A( (2, 3) ) == 5.0
h_A( (2, 4) ) == 0.0
h_A( (2, 5) ) == 0.0
h_A( (3, 4) ) == 2.5
h_A( (3, 5) ) == 0.0
h_A( (4, 5) ) == 0.0
>>> list(el.pers.forest.keys())
>>> sorted(list(el.pers.forest[None]))
[0, 1, 2]
>>> el.jagged(6.0)
0    0.0
1    0.0
2    0.0
3    0.0
4    0.0
5    0.0
dtype: float64
>>> el = Signal([6.5,0.0,2.0])
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death  pers
0            1            0    0.0    6.5   6.5
>>> list(el.pers.forest[None])
>>> el.vertices
   time  height
0   0.0     6.5
1   1.0     0.0
2   2.0     2.0
>>> el.jagged() #el.pers.diagram,el.vertices.index,el.vertices.dtype)
0    6.5
1    0.0
2    0.0
dtype: float64
>>> elN = el.sample_near(sigma=0.1)
>>> elN.make_pers()
>>> ==
>>> el = Signal([6.5,7.0,2.0,4.5,3.9,9.0,8.3,8.7,5.5,9.9])
>>> el.vertices
   time  height
0   0.0     6.5
1   1.0     7.0
2   2.0     2.0
3   3.0     4.5
4   4.0     3.9
5   5.0     9.0
6   6.0     8.3
7   7.0     8.7
8   8.0     5.5
9   9.0     9.9
>>> el.edges
   src  dst  max  height
2    2    3    3     4.5
3    3    4    3     4.5
0    0    1    1     7.0
1    1    2    1     7.0
6    6    7    7     8.7
7    7    8    7     8.7
4    4    5    5     9.0
5    5    6    5     9.0
8    8    9    9     9.9
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death  pers
2            6            7    8.3    8.7   0.4
1            0            1    6.5    7.0   0.5
0            4            3    3.9    4.5   0.6
3            8            5    5.5    9.0   3.5
4            2            9    2.0    9.9   7.9
>>> el.feature()
   time  height
2   2.0     2.0
3   3.0     4.5
4   4.0     3.9
5   5.0     9.0
6   6.0     8.3
7   7.0     8.7
8   8.0     5.5
9   9.0     9.9
>>> el.pers.syzygy((0,0))
2    0.4
1    0.5
0    0.6
3    3.5
4    7.9
dtype: float64
>>> el.pers.syzygy((1,2))
2     251.2908
1     159.2500
0      47.3850
3    1559.2500
4    1548.5580
dtype: float64
>>> el.pers.forest_parents == {0: 4, 1: None, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: None}
>>> el.vertices['height'].sum()/len(el.vertices)
>>> el.normalize()
>>> el2 = Signal(el.vertices)
>>> el2.make_pers()
>>> all(el2.pers.diagram == el.pers.diagram)
>>> el = Signal([0.0,3.0,1.5,2.2,0.001])
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.vertices
   time  height
0   0.0   0.000
1   1.0   3.000
2   2.0   1.500
3   3.0   2.200
4   4.0   0.001
>>> el.edges
   src  dst  max  height
2    2    3    3     2.2
3    3    4    3     2.2
0    0    1    1     3.0
1    1    2    1     3.0
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death   pers
0            2            3  1.500    2.2  0.700
1            4            1  0.001    3.0  2.999
2            0            1  0.000    3.0  3.000
>>> el = Signal([0.0,0.7,0.45,0.55,0.3, 1.0],
...             times=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.85])
>>> el.vertices
   time  height
0  0.10    0.00
1  0.20    0.70
2  0.30    0.45
3  0.60    0.55
4  0.80    0.30
5  0.85    1.00
>>> el.edges
   src  dst  max  height
2    2    3    3    0.55
3    3    4    3    0.55
0    0    1    1    0.70
1    1    2    1    0.70
4    4    5    5    1.00
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death  pers
0            2            3   0.45   0.55   0.1
1            4            1   0.30   0.70   0.4
2            0            5   0.00   1.00   1.0
>>> el = Signal([0.0,0.5,0.4,0.9,0.1,1.0])
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> el.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death  pers
0            2            1    0.4    0.5   0.1
1            4            3    0.1    0.9   0.8
2            0            5    0.0    1.0   1.0
>>> for F in el.iter_features(min_pers=0.5): print(F)
   time  height
0   0.0     0.0
1   1.0     0.5
2   2.0     0.4
3   3.0     0.9
4   4.0     0.1
5   5.0     1.0
   time  height
3   3.0     0.9
4   4.0     0.1
>>> el = Signal(np.sin(np.arange(0,8*np.pi,0.1)))
>>> el.make_pers()
>>> == {(110, 204): 4, (204, 236): 3, (0, 16): 2, (47, 79): 0, (141, 173): 1}

>>> s = Signal([50.0, 120.0, 100, 180, 200, 150, 135])
>>> s.make_pers()
>>> s.pers.diagram
   birth_index  death_index  birth  death   pers
0            2            1  100.0  120.0   20.0
1            6            4  135.0  200.0   65.0
2            0            4   50.0  200.0  150.0
>>> s.pers.mergetree
{1: (0, 2), 4: (1, 6)}

import collections, itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
from . import fast_algorithms, curve_geometry
import homology.dim0

[docs]def jagged(persdiag, index): """ Produce a piecewise-linear function that matches the given persistence diagram. This assumes that the index for the vertices is sequential and linear, so that the mergetree can be ignored. Parameters ---------- persdiag : :class:`homology.PersDiag` A 0-dimensional persistence diagram index : list-like The domain index for the function Returns ------- function : `pandas.Series` See Also -------- :func:`timeseries.Signal.jagged` :func:`timeseries.Signal.makepers` """ V = pd.Series(index=index, dtype=np.float64) if len(persdiag) == 0: V[:] = 0 V[persdiag['birth_index']] = persdiag['birth'] V[persdiag['death_index']] = persdiag['death'] # fill with linear interpolation V.interpolate(method='linear', inplace=True) # make sure we don't lose domain V.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) # the end V.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) # the beginning # MUST ADD CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION! return V
def wavy(pasrdiad, index): r""" Produce a piecewise-sine function that matches the given persistence diagram. This assumes that the index for the vertices is sequential and linear, so that the mergetree can be ignored. Parameters ---------- persdiag : :class:`homology.PersDiag` A 0-dimensional persistence diagram index : list-like The domain index for the function Returns ------- function : `pandas.Series` See Also -------- :func:`timeseries.Signal.jagged` :func:`timeseries.Signal.makepers` """ #V = pd.Series(index=index, dtype=np.float64) #if len(persdiag) == 0: # V[:] = 0 #V[persdiag['birth_index']] = persdiag['birth'] #V[persdiag['death_index']] = persdiag['death'] ## fill with linear interpolation #V.interpolate(method='linear', inplace=True) ## make sure we don't lose domain #V.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) # the end #V.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) # the beginning # MUST ADD CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION! #return V
[docs]class Signal(object): def __init__(self, values, times=None): """ produce an Signal from function output values. function input domain is implicitly range(len(values)). The resulting Signal has vertices with function values and edges with max of adjacent pairs. A Signal is a pair of pd DataFrames that act as indexed lists of numerical values. The vertices are stored as a pd Series, Signal.index provides the vertex indices. The edges are a DataFrame, giving triples labeled by ('src', 'dst', 'max', 'height'), where src and dst are the *indices* (not the *values*) of vertices. Vertices should be considered fixed on initialization. Overloaded functions refer to edges, not vertices. """ if type(values) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: assert values.index.dtype == np.int64 assert all(values.columns == ['time', 'height']) assert values['height'].dtype == np.float64 assert values['time'].dtype == np.float64 self.vertices = values.copy() else: values = np.array(values, dtype=np.float64) assert len(values.shape) == 1 N = values.shape[0] if times is None: times = np.arange(N, dtype=np.float64) index = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int64) self.vertices = pd.DataFrame({ 'time': times, 'height': values}, columns=['time', 'height'], index=index) # if times is not None: # self.times # # if type(values) == pd.core.series.Series and values.index.dtype == 'int64': # self.vertices = values.copy() # else: # self.vertices = pd.Series(values, dtype=np.float64, # index=np.arange(len(values), dtype=np.int64)) # figure out whether the value is from the left (0) or right (1) # this is now done in homology.dim0.unionfind. leftright = np.array([self.vertices['height'].values[:-1], self.vertices['height'].values[1:]]).argmax(axis=0) maxes = pd.Series(self.vertices.index[:-1] + leftright, dtype=np.int64) edges = pd.DataFrame({ 'src': self.vertices['height'].index[:-1], 'dst': self.vertices['height'].index[1:], 'max': maxes.values, 'height': self.vertices['height'].values[maxes]}, columns=['src', 'dst', 'max', 'height']) self.edges = pd.DataFrame(edges) self.edges.sort_values(by=['height', 'src'], ascending=[True, True], inplace=True) self.components=pd.Series(self.vertices.index, index=self.vertices.index) self.pers = None # assert pos.size == len(self.edges.index) # self.edges['pos'] = pos
[docs] def make_pers(self): tbirth_index, tdeath_index, ybirth_index, ydeath_index, mergetree = homology.dim0.unionfind(self, -1.0) self.pers = homology.PersDiag(tbirth_index, tdeath_index, ybirth_index, ydeath_index, mergetree)
def __len__(self): return len(self.vertices)
[docs] def gap(self): """ Return the largest homology. """ bc = self.pers.diagram if len(bc) > 0: return bc.loc[bc.index[-1]] # sorted by length! else: return bc
[docs] def iter_intervals(self): """ return the itertools combinations iterator over all sub-intervals. """ return itertools.combinations(self.vertices.index.values, 2)
[docs] def interval_height(self, interval): """ the indicator-persistence function for intervals, called h_U(A) in the notes. """ if interval in index =[interval] return self.pers.diagram['pers'].loc[index] return 0.0
[docs] def sample_near(self, sigma=1.0): """ return a Signal object that is L2-near self in the normal distribution. """ diff = np.random.randn(self.vertices['height'].values.shape[0]) return self.__class__(self.vertices['height'].values + sigma*diff)
[docs] def height_measure(self, sigma=1.0, num_samples=1000, parallel=True, min_pers=0): """ Use a simulation to estimate the height-measure of an interval. """ all_data = [(self, sigma) for _ in range(num_samples)] if parallel: from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=None) all_heights = list(, all_data)) else: all_heights = [fast_algorithms.sample_height(x) for x in all_data] all_heights = np.stack(all_heights) if min_pers > 0: all_heights[all_heights < min_pers] = 0 tot_heights = all_heights.sum(axis=0)/num_samples measures = dict() for U in np.stack(tot_heights.nonzero()).T: i, j = U length = j-i+1 if length not in measures: measures[length] = dict() measures[length][i] = tot_heights[i, j] return measures
[docs] def feature(self, index=None): """ return the region of a feature, with vertical displacement threshold tau. """ if index is None: index = left = self.pers.lefts[index] right = self.pers.rights[index] V = self.vertices[left:right+1] return V
[docs] def iter_features(self, min_pers=0, depth_first=False): """ walk the feature tree. """ bc = self.pers.diagram tree = self.pers.forest to_walk = collections.deque(tree[None]) # start at root of tree while to_walk: idx = to_walk.popleft() if bc.loc[idx]['pers'] > min_pers: yield self.feature(index=idx) if depth_first: to_walk.extendleft(tree[idx]) else: to_walk.extend(tree[idx])
[docs] def feature_match(self, other, sigma=1.0, num_samples=1000): total_match = 0 for left, right in self.iter_intervals(): feature = self.vertices[left:right+1].values match_number = other.profile(feature).max() interval_height = self.height_measure((left, right), sigma=sigma, num_samples=num_samples) total_match += match_number * interval_height return total_match
[docs] def jagged(self, beta=0): """ call :func:`timeseries.jagged` on this :class:`Signal`'s own persistence diagram. This effectively makes a piecewise-linear version of the same function, with the same extrema. """ # simple cache try: self._jagged if beta in self._jagged: return self._jagged[beta] except AttributeError as e: self._jagged = dict() keepbc = self.pers.clip(beta)['keepcode'] self._jagged[beta] = jagged(keepbc, self.vertices.index) return self._jagged[beta]
[docs] def smoothen(self, beta): T = self.vertices['time'].values F = self.vertices['height'].values N = T.shape[0] pd = self.pers.clip(beta)['keepcode'] cut_indices = np.concatenate([pd[['birth_index', 'death_index']].values.flatten(), np.array([0, N], dtype='int')]) cut_indices = np.unique(cut_indices) times = [ ] segments = [ ] for j0,j1 in zip(cut_indices[:-1], cut_indices[1:]): times.append(T[j0:j1]) if F[j0] > F[min(j1,N-1)]: segments.append(np.sort(F[j0:j1])[::-1]) elif F[j0] <= F[min(j1,N-1)]: segments.append(np.sort(F[j0:j1])) #else: # assert F[j0:j1].min() == F[j0:j1].max() times = np.concatenate(times) segments = np.concatenate(segments) assert np.all(np.sort(segments) == np.sort(F)) assert np.all(times == T) return Signal(segments, times=times)
[docs] def profile(self, arch, normalize=False, norm=np.linalg.norm): """ produce profile by dragging an archetype across self, looking for matches. You may want to normalize arch first. """ a = len(arch) v = len(self.vertices) assert a <= v, "Archetype is too long." d = v - a + 1 # if normalize: arch = (arch-arch.mean())/(arch.max() - arch.min()) s = [] for i in range(d): snip = self.vertices.values[i:a+i] if normalize: snip = (snip-snip.mean())/(snip.max() - snip.min()) s.append(norm(arch - snip)) p = np.exp2(-np.array(s)) return p
# if len(p) > 1: # P = Signal(p) # return P
[docs] def iter_windows_by_index(self, window, step=1, start=None, stop=None): """ Produce equal-length Signals using a sliding-window on self. This slides by index, not by abstract time. window = length of window (number of indices) time_step = step size in index. (default = 1) time_start = start index (default = None, min index) time_stop = stop index (default = None, max index) normalize = renormalize by N(0,1) on window? (default = False) norm = norm function to use for comparison (default = np.linalg.norm) return: iterator of np arrays, whose columns are timestamp, value. To access the tracks as a list,use list(Signal.iter_windows_index()) Examples -------- >>> S = Signal([2.0,3.0,0.0,5.0,2.5,2.9]) >>> for s in S.iter_windows_by_index(4, step=2): ... print(s[:,1]) [ 2. 3. 0. 5.] [ 0. 5. 2.5 2.9] """ if start is None: start = self.vertices.index.values[0] if stop is None: stop = self.vertices.index.values[-1] slices = np.arange(start, stop, step) for i, start_i in enumerate(slices): stop_i = start_i + window yield self.vertices.values[start_i:stop_i, :] if stop_i >= stop: break
[docs] def self_similarity(self, window, step=1, start=None, stop=None, dist=ssd.euclidean, normalizer=None): """ Compare sliding windows of this Signal using a distance function. Parameters ---------- window (length of segment) step (steps to move between windows) start (index to start at) stop (index to stop at) dist (distance function to use. Default:`scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean` normalizer (function to use to renormalize each window. default:None) Returns ------- an iterator of the window comparisons. (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), ... (0, n-1), (1,1), (1,2), ... (n-2, n-1) The return elements are pairs ((index_lo, index_hi), norm), which can be used to populate a dictionary or array. Examples -------- >>> S = Signal([0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]) >>> Sss = list(S.self_similarity(window=2, step=2)) >>> for (ij, d) in Sss: ... print("{} -> {}".format(ij,d)) (0, 0) -> 0.0 (0, 2) -> 5.0 (0, 4) -> 10.0 (2, 2) -> 0.0 (2, 4) -> 5.0 (4, 4) -> 0.0 >>> D = np.array([d for ij,d in Sss]) >>> print(D) [ 0. 5. 10. 0. 5. 0.] >>> print(ssd.squareform(D)) # scipy.spatial.distance [[ 0. 0. 5. 10.] [ 0. 0. 0. 5.] [ 5. 0. 0. 0.] [ 10. 5. 0. 0.]] """ if start is None: start = self.vertices.index.values[0] if stop is None: stop = self.vertices.index.values[-1] slices = np.arange(start, stop, step) for i, start_i in enumerate(slices): stop_i = start_i + window win_i = self.vertices.values[start_i:stop_i, :] if normalizer is not None: win_i = normalizer(win_i) for j, start_j in enumerate(slices[i:]): stop_j = start_j + window win_j = self.vertices.values[start_j:stop_j, :] if normalizer is not None: win_j = normalizer(win_j) yield ((start_i, start_j), dist(win_i[:, 1], win_j[:, 1])) if stop_i >= stop: break
[docs] def plot(self, canvas, title="Signal"): """ Plot the Signal. Parameters ---------- canvas : class:`bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure` or :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` A bokeh or pyplot canvas to draw on. Create one with :code:`canvas = bokeh.plotting.figure()` or :code:`fig,canvas = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()` Notes ----- You have to save or show axes after running this call. """ if type(canvas).__module__ == 'bokeh.plotting.figure': canvas_type = "bokeh" import bokeh.plotting elif type(canvas).__module__ == 'matplotlib.axes._subplots': canvas_type = "pyplot" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: raise NotImplementedError( "canvas must be a bokeh.plotting.figure() or a matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()[1]. You gave me {}".format(type(canvas)) ) if canvas_type == "bokeh": canvas.title=title elif canvas_type == "pyplot": canvas.set_title(title) if canvas_type == "bokeh":['time'].values, self.vertices['height'].values) canvas.line(self.vertices['time'].values, self.vertices['height'].values) elif canvas_type == "pyplot": canvas.scatter(self.vertices['height'].index.values, self.vertices['height'].values) canvas.plot(self.vertices['height'].index.values, self.vertices['height'].values) pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_pointcloud(cls, points, direction, norm): values =, direction/norm(direction)) return cls(values)
[docs] def normalize(self): """ change this Signal object to have mean = 0 and max-min = 1 """ bc=self.pers.diagram h =['pers'] mean = self.vertices['height'].mean() self.vertices['height'] = (self.vertices['height'] - mean)/h self.edges['height'] = (self.edges['height'] - mean)/h bc['birth'] = (bc['birth'] - mean)/h bc['death'] = (bc['death'] - mean)/h bc['pers'] = (bc['pers'])/h pass
[docs]class SpaceCurve(object): r""" SpaceCurve is a Python class for studying curves in :math:`\mathbb{R}^2` or :math:`\mathbb{R}^3`. For example, a SpaceCurve could represent kinematic flight data, or trajectories of vehicles given by GPS coordinates. All arguments other than :code:`tn` are optional. Parameters ---------- tn : list-like Integer timestamps, typically in 'numpy.int64` nanoseconds-since-epoch px : list-like py : list-like pz : list-like Positions in :class:`numpy.float64` meters quality : list-like Quality/accuracy of a particular location trackid : int An integer label for the track platform : str A descriptive label activity : str A descriptive label mollified: bool Whether this track has undegone mollification, for example with :func:`clean_copy` Attributes ---------- data : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The original position and velocity data, as originally provided. The index of this DataFrame is the :code:`tn` integer time index. info : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data computed using various algorithms. This is filled by :func:`compute`, but more can be added. """ def __init__(self, tn, px=None, py=None, pz=None, # vx=None, vy=None, vz=None, quality=None, trackid=-1, platform=None, activity=None, mollified=False): tn = np.array(tn, dtype=np.int64) assert len(tn) > 0,\ "A SpaceCurve cannot have empty nanosecond index. You gave me {}".format(tn) if px is None: px = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) if py is None: py = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) if pz is None: pz = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) #if vx is None: # vx = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) #if vy is None: # vy = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) #if vz is None: # vz = np.zeros(tn.shape, dtype=np.float64) if quality is None: quality = -np.ones(tn.shape, dtype=np.int64) px = np.array(px, dtype=np.float64) py = np.array(py, dtype=np.float64) pz = np.array(pz, dtype=np.float64) #vx = np.array(vx, dtype=np.float64) #vy = np.array(vy, dtype=np.float64) #vz = np.array(vz, dtype=np.float64) quality = np.array(quality, dtype=np.int64) assert len(tn) == len(px) assert len(tn) == len(py) assert len(tn) == len(pz) #assert len(tn) == len(vx) #assert len(tn) == len(vy) #assert len(tn) == len(vz) assert len(tn) == len(quality) sort_by_time = tn.argsort() tn = tn[sort_by_time] px = px[sort_by_time] py = py[sort_by_time] pz = pz[sort_by_time] #vx = vx[sort_by_time] #vy = vy[sort_by_time] #vz = vz[sort_by_time] quality = quality[sort_by_time] ts = (tn - tn[0]).astype(np.float64) / (10 ** 9) = pd.DataFrame({'time': ts, 'pos_x': px, 'pos_y': py, 'pos_z': pz, #'vel_x': vx, #'vel_y': vy, #'vel_z': vz, 'quality': quality}, columns=['time', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z', #'vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z', 'quality'], index=tn) = pd.DataFrame({}, self.trackid = trackid self.platform = platform self.activity = activity self.mollified = mollified def __getitem__(self, key): """ get raw data via index """ return[[key]]
[docs] def accel(self, rate): r"""Change time parametrization, to represent a constant tangential acceleration (or deceleration). Locations, initial time, and arc-length are preserved. The first timestep is changed to have (1-rate) times the speed of the original's first timestep. The last timestep is changed to have (1+rate) times the speed of the original's last timestep. That is, if S is a `SpaceCurve` of constant speed, then S.accel(-0.1) will start 10% faster and end 10% slower than S. If speed[i] changes to speed[i]*q[i], then delta_t[i] changes to delta_t[i]*p[i], where p[i] = 1 / q[i] Examples -------- >>> tn = np.arange(0, 5*1e9, 1e9) >>> s = SpaceCurve(tn=tn, px=10.0*tn/1e9) # drive straight at 10m/s >>> s SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 4.000000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> s.compute() >>>['speed'] 0 10.0 1000000000 10.0 2000000000 10.0 3000000000 10.0 4000000000 10.0 Name: speed, dtype: float64 >>> a = s.accel(0.25) >>> a SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 4.147319347 >>> a.compute() >>>['speed'] 0 7.500000 1333333333 8.250000 2424242424 9.930556 3347319347 11.607143 4147319347 12.500000 Name: speed, dtype: float64 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1333333333 1.333333 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2424242424 2.424242 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3347319347 3.347319 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4147319347 4.147319 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> b = s.accel(-0.25) >>> b SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 4.147319347 >>> b.compute() >>>['speed'] 0 12.500000 800000000 11.607143 1723076923 9.930556 2813986013 8.250000 4147319347 7.500000 Name: speed, dtype: float64 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 800000000 0.800000 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1723076923 1.723077 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2813986013 2.813986 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4147319347 4.147319 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 """ n = len( ts =['time'].values change_of_speed = np.linspace(1.-rate, 1.+rate, num=n-1) new_Dt = np.diff(ts)/change_of_speed accum_time = np.cumsum(new_Dt) new_ts = np.ndarray(shape=ts.shape, dtype=ts.dtype) new_ts[0] = ts[0] new_ts[1:] = accum_time + ts[0] new_tn = np.int64(new_ts*10**9) return SpaceCurve(new_tn,['pos_x'].values,['pos_y'].values,['pos_z'].values)
def __matmul__(self, array): """ Apply a matrix (NumPy array) to the positions to produce a new SpaceCurve. Used for rotating SpaceCurves. Note that this is the LEFT action from a group-theory perspective. Examples -------- >>> sc = SpaceCurve(np.arange(4)*10**9, px=np.arange(4)) >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> g = np.array([[np.cos(np.pi/6), -np.sin(np.pi/6), 0], ... [np.sin(np.pi/6), np.cos(np.pi/6), 0], ... [ 0, 0, 1]]) >>> sc2 = sc.__matmul__(g).__matmul__(g).__matmul__(g) # use @ in Py3 >>> np.all(['pos_y'].values ==['pos_x'].values) True """ pos =[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values new_pos = return SpaceCurve(, px=new_pos[:, 0], py=new_pos[:, 1], pz=new_pos[:, 2]) def __add__(self, other): """ Concatenate SpaceCurves, end-to-end in space and time. The other SpaceCurve is set to begin at a time and position where self ends. This way, the number of points shrinks by one, but the total duration adds. Examples -------- >>> sc1 = SpaceCurve(np.arange(4)*10**9, px=np.arange(4), py=2*np.arange(4)) >>> sc1 SpaceCurve with 4 entries and duration 3.000000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 -1 >>> sc2 = SpaceCurve(np.arange(8)*10**8, px=np.arange(0,0.4,0.05), py=3*np.arange(8)) >>> sc2 SpaceCurve with 8 entries and duration .700000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 -1 100000000 0.1 0.05 3.0 0.0 -1 200000000 0.2 0.10 6.0 0.0 -1 300000000 0.3 0.15 9.0 0.0 -1 400000000 0.4 0.20 12.0 0.0 -1 500000000 0.5 0.25 15.0 0.0 -1 600000000 0.6 0.30 18.0 0.0 -1 700000000 0.7 0.35 21.0 0.0 -1 >>> sc3 = sc1 + sc2 >>> sc3 SpaceCurve with 11 entries and duration 3.700000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 1.00 2.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 2.00 4.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 3.00 6.0 0.0 -1 3100000000 3.1 3.05 9.0 0.0 -1 3200000000 3.2 3.10 12.0 0.0 -1 3300000000 3.3 3.15 15.0 0.0 -1 3400000000 3.4 3.20 18.0 0.0 -1 3500000000 3.5 3.25 21.0 0.0 -1 3600000000 3.6 3.30 24.0 0.0 -1 3700000000 3.7 3.35 27.0 0.0 -1 """ tn_shift =[-1] -[0] px_shift =['pos_x'].values[-1] -['pos_x'].values[0] py_shift =['pos_y'].values[-1] -['pos_y'].values[0] pz_shift =['pos_z'].values[-1] -['pos_z'].values[0] new_tn = np.concatenate([,[1:] + tn_shift]) new_px = np.concatenate([['pos_x'].values,['pos_x'].values[1:] + px_shift]) new_py = np.concatenate([['pos_y'].values,['pos_y'].values[1:] + py_shift]) new_pz = np.concatenate([['pos_z'].values,['pos_z'].values[1:] + pz_shift]) return self.__class__(new_tn, px=new_px, py=new_py, pz=new_pz)
[docs] def arclength_param(self): """ Change time parametrization to the universal speed=1 arclength parametrization. Examples -------- >>> tn = np.arange(0, 5e9, 1e9) >>> s = SpaceCurve(tn=tn, px=(tn/1e9)**2) >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> a = s.arclength_param() >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 -1 9000000000 9.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 -1 16000000000 16.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 -1 """ pos =[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values gap = np.diff(pos, axis=0) dist = np.linalg.norm(gap, axis=1) accum_time = dist.cumsum() ts =['time'].values new_ts = np.ndarray(shape=ts.shape, dtype=ts.dtype) new_ts[0] = ts[0] new_ts[1:] = accum_time + ts[0] new_tn = np.int64(new_ts*10**9) return SpaceCurve(new_tn,['pos_x'].values,['pos_y'].values,['pos_z'].values)
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverse the time parametrization of the SpaceCurve. Examples -------- >>> tn = np.arange(0, 5*1e9, 1e9) >>> s = SpaceCurve(tn=tn, px=10.0*tn/1e9) # drive straight at 10m/s >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> a = s.reverse() >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 """ return SpaceCurve(,['pos_x'].values[::-1],['pos_y'].values[::-1],['pos_z'].values[::-1])
[docs] def reparam(self, rate): r"""Change time parametrization, to represent a constant change of speed. Locations, initial time, and arc-length are preserved. Parameters ---------- rate : float A (positive) ratio by which to increase the speed. Notes ----- If :code:`speed[i]` changes to :code:`speed[i]*q[i]`, then :code:`delta_t[i]` changes to :code:`delta_t[i]*p[i]`, where :code:`p[i] = 1 / q[i]`. Examples -------- >>> tn = np.arange(0, 5*1e9, 1e9) >>> s = SpaceCurve(tn=tn, px=10.0*tn/1e9) # drive straight at 10m/s >>> s SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 4.000000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 3000000000 3.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> a = s.reparam(0.5) >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 4000000000 4.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 6000000000 6.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 8000000000 8.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 >>> a SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 8.000000000 >>> b = s.reparam(2.0) >>> b SpaceCurve with 5 entries and duration 2.000000000 >>> time pos_x pos_y pos_z quality 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 500000000 0.5 10.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1000000000 1.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 -1 1500000000 1.5 30.0 0.0 0.0 -1 2000000000 2.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 -1 """ ts =['time'].values new_ts = ts/rate new_tn = np.int64(new_ts*10**9) return SpaceCurve(new_tn,['pos_x'].values,['pos_y'].values,['pos_z'].values)
[docs] def plot(self, canvas, title="SpaceCurve", color="blue"): r""" Plot the SpaceCurve in 3D. Parameters ----------- canvas : :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` Be sure that 3D plotting is enabled on this canvas, with :code:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D` and :code:`canvas = matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(projection='3d')` title : str A title for the figure. color : str The name of a color for the points to draw. Passed to the appropriate drawing library (bokeh or matplotlib). Notes ----- Because we are using ECEF coordinates, the horizontal projection should be taken as an approximation! """ if type(canvas).__module__ == 'bokeh.plotting.figure': canvas_type = "bokeh" import bokeh.plotting elif type(canvas).__module__ == 'matplotlib.axes._subplots': canvas_type = "pyplot" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D else: raise NotImplementedError( "canvas must be a bokeh.plotting.figure() or a matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()[1]. You gave me {}".format( type(canvas)) ) #if canvas_type == "bokeh": # canvas.title = title #elif canvas_type == "pyplot": # canvas.set_title(title) # transform to local ENU coordinates at every point, and start at 0. pos =[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values if pos.shape[0] == 0: return False if canvas_type == "pyplot": canvas.plot(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2], color=color) else: raise NotImplementedError pass
[docs] def slide(self, window=60 * 10 ** 9, time_step=1 * 10 ** 9, time_start=None, time_stop=None, overlap_ends=True): r""" Produce equal-time SpaceCurves using a sliding-window on self. Parameters ---------- window : int length of window in nanoseconds (default = 60*10**9 or 1 minute) time_step : int step size in nanoseconds between window starting-points (default = 1*10** or 1 second) time_start : int start time in nanoseconds (default = None, min time) time_stop : int stop time in nanoseconds (default = None, max time) overlap_ends : bool Should endpoints overlap (True) or abutt (False) (default = True) Returns ------- iterator of SpaceCurves To access the tracks as a list, do :code:`list( FT.snip() )` Notes ----- The trackids are unchanged! You might want to change them manually. """ if time_start is None: time_start =[0] if time_stop is None: time_stop =[-1] if not overlap_ends: window -= 1 slices = np.arange(time_start, time_stop, time_step) for i, start_ns in enumerate(slices): stop_ns = start_ns + window newFT = self.copy() =[start_ns:stop_ns].copy() =[start_ns:stop_ns].copy() yield newFT if stop_ns >= time_stop: break
[docs] def snip(self, time_step=60 * 10 ** 9, time_start=None, time_stop=None, overlap_ends=True): """ Cut this SpaceCurve into equal-time snippets. This is just a simple wrapper around self.slide( ) with time_step == window. time_step=60*10**9 == 1 minute Note! The trackids are unchanged! You might want to change them manually. Yields ------ iterator of SpaceCurves To access the tracks as a list, do list( FT.snip() ) """ for F in self.slide(window=time_step, time_step=time_step, time_start=time_start, time_stop=time_stop, overlap_ends=overlap_ends): yield F
[docs] def clean_copy(self, cleanup_func=curve_geometry.mollifier, **kwargs): r""" Make copy in which a cleanup function performed on the data. cleanup_func is the interface to the functions in curve_geometry. In particular: 1. :func:`curve_geometry.cleanup` does slope comparison 2. :func:`curve_geometry.mollifier` does a convolution cleanup_func should at the minimum take time and position as positional arguments 1 and 2 and return both new time and new position arrays. All Keyword arguments (:code:`**kwargs`) are passed on to cleanup_func. One can tune the various cleanup functions by passing a user manufactured function, for example .. code:: my_cleanup = lambda time, x:curve_geometry.mollifier(time,x,width=0.5) clean_track = track.clean_copy(cleanup_func = my_cleanup) would be equivalent to .. code:: clean_track = track.clean_copy(cleanup_func=curve_geometry.mollifier, width=0.5) """ # Compute the cleaned up values time, clean_px = cleanup_func(['time'].values,['pos_x'].values, **kwargs) timey, clean_py = cleanup_func(['time'].values,['pos_y'].values, **kwargs) timez, clean_pz = cleanup_func(['time'].values,['pos_z'].values, **kwargs) assert np.all(time == timey) assert np.all(time == timez) # [time, clean_vx] = cleanup_func(['time'].values, #['vel_x'].values) # [time, clean_vy] = cleanup_func(['time'].values, #['vel_y'].values) # [time, clean_vz] = cleanup_func(['time'].values, #['vel_z'].values) # Build a new index from the time array new_index_start =[0] new_index = np.int64(time*10**9)+new_index_start assert new_index.shape[0] == time.shape[0],\ """New index is shape {} but time is shape {}""".format(new_index.shape[0], time.shape[0]) # Instantiate a new flighttrack object from the cleaned versions newFT = self.__class__(new_index, trackid=self.trackid, platform=self.platform, activity=self.activity, mollified=True) = pd.DataFrame({'time': time, 'pos_x': clean_px, 'pos_y': clean_py, 'pos_z': clean_pz, 'quality': -np.ones(time.shape, dtype=np.int64)}, columns=['time', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z', 'quality'], index=new_index) return newFT
[docs] def compute(self): """ Compute some nice invariants and store them to Vector quantities are generally in the fixed frame. """ # raw data in ECEF frame. T =['time'].values P =[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values V = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(T, P) #V2 =[['vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z']].values #assert not np.any(np.isnan(V2)), "{} bad in {}".format(np.where(np.isnan(V2)), V2.shape) # all derivatives and integrals A = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(T, V) J = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(T, A) arclengthS = curve_geometry.secant_arclength(P) # norms #recspeed = np.linalg.norm(V2, axis=1).flatten() speed = np.linalg.norm(V, axis=1).flatten() acc = np.linalg.norm(A, axis=1).flatten() jerk = np.linalg.norm(J, axis=1).flatten() if len(self) > 4: # Use signature curve to make curv and tors kap, kap_s, tau, tau_s = self.signature_curve() #KT = np.ndarray(shape=(T.shape[0], 2), dtype='float') #KT[:2, :] = sc[0, :] #KT[:-2, :] = sc[-1, :] #KT[2:-2, :] = sc #TNB_enu = curve_geometry.frenet_frame(V, A) #tilt = np.arccos(np.abs(TNB_enu[:, 2, 2])) #dKT_ds = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(arclengthS, KT) #tilt_array = tilt.copy() #tilt_array.shape = (tilt.shape[0], 1) #dtilt_ds = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(arclengthS, #tilt_array).flatten() # curv_per_alt = KT[:, 0] / (P[:,2]+1) # acc_per_alt = acc / (P[:,2]+1) # tors_per_alt = KT[:, 1] / (P[:,2]+1) #print(tau.shape) #print(kap_s.shape) #print(tau.shape) #print(tau_s.shape) # friction = kap * speed ** 2 ## need to check this for angle. # bank = np.arctan(friction / 9.8) ## replace 9.8 with gravity?? # dKT_ds = curve_geometry.secant_derivative(arclengthS, KT)['vel_x'] = V[:, 0]['vel_y'] = V[:, 1]['vel_z'] = V[:, 2]['acc_x'] = A[:, 0]['acc_y'] = A[:, 1]['acc_z'] = A[:, 2]['len'] = arclengthS # This is the only thing we store in data['speed'] = speed['recspeed'] = recspeed['acc'] = acc['jerk'] = jerk if len(self) > 4:['curv'] = kap['curv_s'] = kap_s['tors'] = tau['tors_s'] = 0.0['tors_s'].values[3:-3] = tau_s['tors_s'].values[:3] = tau_s[0]['tors_s'].values[-3:] = tau_s[-1]['tors'] = tau['dKds'] = curv_s['dTds'] = tau_s pass
[docs] def featurize(self, sort_and_grab_num=None): """ A convenience function to compute everything we think might be important. This returns a dictionary of np arrays. Optionally, we can hit all of the persistence diagrams with sort+grab. """ feature_dict = dict() self.compute() for name in ['curv', 'tors', 'up', 'acc', 'Dcurv/Dlen', 'Dtors/Dlen', 'Dup/Dlen', 'speed', 'friction', 'curv/alt', 'tors/alt', 'acc/alt', ]: S = Signal([name].values) if sort_and_grab_num is not None: feature_dict[name] = S.pers.grab(sort_and_grab_num)['keepcode'] else: feature_dict[name] = S.pers.diagram return feature_dict
[docs] def copy(self): """ make an identical copy of self. """ d = newFT = self.__class__(d.index.values, trackid=self.trackid, platform=self.platform, activity=self.activity, ) = d = return newFT
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """ Simple CSV reader. columns ('time', 'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z') """ data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t") F = cls(tn=data['time'].values, px=data['pos_x'].values, py=data['pos_y'].values, pz=data['pos_z'].values) return F
[docs] def duration(self): """ return string of duraction of SpaceCurve, converting integer nanoseconds to string seconds. """ times = if len(times) == 0: return 0 ns = repr(times[-1] - times[0]) assert ns.find("e") == -1 seconds = ns[:-9] + "." + ns[-9:] return seconds
def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): return "SpaceCurve with {} entries and duration {}".format(len(self), self.duration())
[docs] def mass_profile(self, num_bins=100, underflow=-50, overflow=50): """ histogram of the lift_and_mass by mass. """ LM = self.lift_and_mass() width = np.float64(overflow - underflow) / np.float64(num_bins) finite_bins = np.arange(underflow, overflow + width, width) bins = np.zeros(shape=(finite_bins.shape[0] + 2,)) bins[0] = np.float64('-inf') bins[-1] = np.float64('inf') bins[1:-1] = finite_bins[:] return np.histogram(LM[:, 1], bins)
[docs] def lift_profile(self, num_bins=500, underflow=0, overflow=500000): """ histogram of the lift_and_mass by lift. """ LM = self.lift_and_mass() width = np.float64(overflow - underflow) / np.float64(num_bins) finite_bins = np.arange(underflow, overflow + width, width) bins = np.zeros(shape=(finite_bins.shape[0] + 2,)) bins[0] = np.float64('-inf') bins[-1] = np.float64('inf') bins[1:-1] = finite_bins[:] return np.histogram(LM[:, 0], bins)
[docs] def lift_and_mass(self): r""" Produce the terms of the force-balance equations, to help derive coefficient-of-lift and mass from pure trajectory information. Consider an aircraft flying with velocity :math:`v`, banking angle :math:`\theta`, air density :math:`\rho`, mass :math:`m`, gravity :math:`g`, vertical acceleration :math:`\ddot{z}`, and lift coefficient :math:`C_{\text{lift}}`. The force-balance equation is ..math:: LHS = \frac12 \|v\|^2 \, \cos(\theta)\, \rho RHS = (g + \ddot{z}) LHS\, C_{\text{lift}} = RHS\, m Returns ------- coefficients : :class:np.array the columns are LHS and RHS. """ # build an atmospheric air density profile using the data # 1976 international standard atmosphere. We just use a 4th-order fit. # # alts = np.array([-610, 11000, 20000, 32000,47000]) # dens = np.array([1.2985,0.3639,0.0880,.0105,0.0020]) # air_denstiy = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(alts,dens,4)) air_density = np.poly1d([2.70588959e-19, -5.57103078e-14, 3.91598431e-09, -1.15140013e-04, 1.22679477e+00]) speed =['speed'].values altacc =['acc_z'].values bank =['bank'].values cosb = np.cos(bank) h =['alt'].values air = air_density(h) LHS = 0.5 * speed ** 2 * cosb * air RHS = 9.8 + altacc return np.array([LHS, RHS]).T
[docs] def auto_bin(self, num_bins=10, underflow=0, overflow=100): """ Count bins on the transformed persistence diagrams of -Speed/7 (so it is expected to be between 0 and 100) -Climb/3 (so it is expected to be between 0 and 100) -Curvature*10000 (so it is expected to be between 0 and 100) -Torsion*10000 (so it is expected to be between 0 and 100) -Bank*100/(pi/4) (==grade, between 0 and 100) Bins are added for (-inf, underflow] and (overflow,inf). If underflow and overflow are not provided, they are set to min/max. """ speed01 = Signal(['speed'].values / 7) climb01 = Signal(['climb'].values / 3) curv01 = Signal(['curv'].values * 10000) tors01 = Signal(['tors'].values * 10000) bank01 = Signal(['bank'].values * 400 / np.pi) width = np.float64(overflow - underflow) / np.float64(num_bins) speed_hist, speed_bins = speed01.pers.bin(width=width, underflow=underflow, overflow=overflow) climb_hist, climb_bins = climb01.pers.bin(width=width, underflow=underflow, overflow=overflow) curv_hist, curv_bins = curv01.pers.bin(width=width, underflow=underflow, overflow=overflow) tors_hist, tors_bins = tors01.pers.bin(width=width, underflow=underflow, overflow=overflow) bank_hist, bank_bins = bank01.pers.bin(width=width, underflow=underflow, overflow=overflow) assert np.all(curv_bins == tors_bins) and np.all( curv_bins == bank_bins) return {'bins': curv_bins, 'speed': speed_hist, 'climb': climb_hist, 'curv': curv_hist, 'tors': tors_hist, 'bank': bank_hist}
[docs] def signature_curve(self): r""" Olver/Boutin signature curve. (kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s) due to difference methods, the lengths are (n-2, n-4, n-4, n-6), but we pad them all to length n Usage: ------ >>> ts = np.arange(0,12,0.1) >>> # Line >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = 5*ts + 3, py=2*ts + 5) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> np.allclose(kappa, 0.0, atol=1.5e-7) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s, 0.0, atol=1.5e-7) True >>> np.allclose(tau, 0.0, atol=1.5e-7) True >>> np.allclose(tau_s, 0.0, atol=1.5e-7) True >>> ts = np.arange(0,12,0.1) >>> # Circle with constant speed >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = np.cos(ts), ... py = np.sin(ts)) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> kappa.shape # padded (120,) >>> kappa_s.shape (120,) >>> np.allclose(kappa, 1.) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s, 0.) True >>> ts = np.arange(0,12,0.1) >>> # Circle with varying speed >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = np.cos(ts**2), ... py = np.sin(ts**2)) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> kappa_s.shape # padded (120,) >>> np.allclose(kappa, 1.) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s, 0.) True >>> np.allclose(tau, 0.) True >>> np.allclose(tau_s, 0.) True >>> ts = np.arange(1,13,0.01) >>> # A Spiral >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = np.exp(0.75*ts)*np.cos(ts), ... py = np.exp(0.75*ts)*np.sin(ts)) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> kappa.shape # padded (1200,) >>> np.allclose(kappa[1:-1], np.exp(-0.75*ts[1:-1]), atol=0.1) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s[2:-2]*np.exp(1.5*ts[2:-2]), -12./25., atol=0.01) True >>> # A Helix >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = 3*np.cos(ts), ... py = 3*np.sin(ts), ... pz = 4*ts) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> np.allclose(kappa, 3/25.) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s, 0.0) True >>> np.allclose(tau, 4/25.) True >>> np.allclose(tau_s, 0.0) True >>> # A Helix (reversed) >>> C = SpaceCurve(tn = np.arange(ts.shape[0]), ... px = 3*np.cos(-ts), ... py = 3*np.sin(-ts), ... pz = 4*ts) >>> kappa, kappa_s, tau, tau_s = C.signature_curve() >>> np.allclose(kappa, -3/25.,) True >>> np.allclose(kappa_s, 0.0) True >>> np.allclose(tau, -4/25.,) True >>> np.allclose(tau_s, 0.0) True """ #if not np.all(['pos_z'].values == 0.): # raise ValueError("This method currently handles only planar curves.") # if np.all(['pos_x'].values == 0.): pos =[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']].values n = pos.shape[0] # follow Calabi's naming convention. # We deal with 1-interior points. P_i_mns_1 = pos[:-2, :] P_i = pos[1:-1, :] P_i_pls_1 = pos[2:, :] # Use the determinant to set a right-handed sign. triples = np.ndarray(shape=(n-2, 3,3), dtype='float') triples[:, 0, :] = P_i_mns_1 triples[:, 1, :] = P_i triples[:, 2, :] = P_i_pls_1 sign = (-1)**np.signbit(np.linalg.det(triples)) a = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) b = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_1 - P_i )**2, axis=1)) c = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_1 - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) s = 0.5*(a+b+c) # If a,b,c are co-linear, then we might get s-c to be negative # due to roundoff error. (or other permutations) s_minus_a = np.clip(s-a, 0., np.infty) s_minus_b = np.clip(s-b, 0., np.infty) s_minus_c = np.clip(s-c, 0., np.infty) abc = a*b*c # Calabi,et al eqn (2.2) non_trivial = (abc != 0) kappa = sign*4*np.sqrt(s*s_minus_a*s_minus_b*s_minus_c) kappa[non_trivial] = kappa[non_trivial] / abc[non_trivial] kappa[~ non_trivial] = 0.0 assert kappa.shape[0] == n-2 # Now, we follow Boutin's naming convention. # We deal with 2-interior points. P_i = pos[2:-2, :] P_i_pls_1 = pos[3:-1, :] P_i_pls_2 = pos[4:, :] P_i_mns_1 = pos[1:-3, :] P_i_mns_2 = pos[0:-4, :] a = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) b = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_1 - P_i )**2, axis=1)) # c = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_1 - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) d = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_2 - P_i_pls_1)**2, axis=1)) e = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_2 - P_i )**2, axis=1)) f = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_2 - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) g = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_mns_2 - P_i_mns_1)**2, axis=1)) # reverse collections, for reverse tau dd = g ee = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_mns_2 - P_i )**2, axis=1)) ff = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_mns_2 - P_i_pls_1)**2, axis=1)) assert a.shape[0] == n-4 # Note that the index of a goes 0..n-5, and # Note that the index of kappa goes 0..n-3. # and P[i] corresponds to a[i] and kappa[i+1] denom_ks = 2*a + 2*b + d + g non_trivial = (denom_ks != 0) kappa_s = 3*(kappa[2:] - kappa[:-2]) kappa_s[non_trivial] = kappa_s[non_trivial]/denom_ks[non_trivial] kappa_s[~ non_trivial] = 0.0 # tau according to Boutin's \tilde{tau}_1, in the forward direction tetra_height = np.ndarray(shape = kappa_s.shape, dtype='float') for i in range(P_i.shape[0]): tetrahedron = np.array([P_i_mns_1[i] - P_i[i], P_i_pls_1[i] - P_i[i], P_i_pls_2[i] - P_i[i]]).T tetra_height[i] = np.linalg.qr(tetrahedron, mode='r')[-1,-1] # we want tau = 6 * tetra_height / denom_t, but # don't want to divide by zero, which happens if points repeat. tau_fwd = 6 * tetra_height denom_t = d * e * f * kappa[1:-1] # sign is inherited! non_trivial = (denom_t != 0) & (tetra_height != 0) tau_fwd[non_trivial] = tau_fwd[non_trivial] / denom_t[non_trivial] tau_fwd[~ non_trivial] = 0.0 # tau according to Boutin's \tilde{tau}_1, in the backard direction tetra_height = np.ndarray(shape = kappa_s.shape, dtype='float') for i in range(P_i.shape[0]): tetrahedron = np.array([P_i_mns_2[i] - P_i[i], P_i_mns_1[i] - P_i[i], P_i_pls_1[i] - P_i[i]]).T tetra_height[i] = np.linalg.qr(tetrahedron, mode='r')[-1,-1] # we want tau = 6 * tetra_height / denom_t, but # don't want to divide by zero, which happens if points repeat. tau_bwd = 6 * tetra_height denom_t = d * e * f * kappa[1:-1] # sign is inherited! non_trivial = (denom_t != 0) & (tetra_height != 0) tau_bwd[non_trivial] = tau_bwd[non_trivial] / denom_t[non_trivial] tau_bwd[~ non_trivial] = 0.0 tau = (tau_fwd + tau_bwd)/2 # # tau_s according to Boutin's (17), in the forward direction # P_i_pls_3 = pos[4:, :] # h = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_pls_3 - P_i_pls_2[:-1])**2, axis=1)) # dh = d[:-1] + h # denom_ts = denom_ks[1:-1] + dh # old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') #seterr to known value # tau_s_fwd = 4*(tau[1:] - tau[:-1] + (denom_ks[1:-1] -3*dh) * tau * kappa_s / (6 * kappa[2:-2]))/denom_ts # tau_s_fwd[denom_ts == 0] = 0 # np.seterr(**old_settings) # # # tau_s according to Boutin's (17), in the backward direction # P_i_mns_3 = pos[:-4, :] # h = np.sqrt(np.sum((P_i_mns_3 - P_i_mns_2[1:])**2, axis=1)) # dh = d[1:] + h # denom_ts = denom_ks[1:-1] + dh # old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') #seterr to known value # tau_s_bwd = 4*(tau[1:] - tau[:-1] + (denom_ks[1:-1] -3*dh) * tau * kappa_s / (6 * kappa[2:-2]))/denom_ts # tau_s_bwd[denom_ts == 0] = 0 # np.seterr(**old_settings) # # tau_s = (tau_s_fwd + tau_s_bwd)/2 assert kappa.shape == (n-2,) assert kappa_s.shape == (n-4,) assert tau.shape == (n-4,) #assert tau_s.shape == (n-6,) #print(kappa.shape, tau_s.shape) kappa_pad = np.ndarray(shape=(n,), dtype='float') kappa_s_pad = np.ndarray(shape=(n,), dtype='float') tau_pad = np.ndarray(shape=(n,), dtype='float') tau_s_pad = np.ndarray(shape=(n,), dtype='float') kappa_pad[1:-1] = kappa kappa_pad[:1] = kappa[0] kappa_pad[-1:] = kappa[-1] kappa_s_pad[2:-2] = kappa_s kappa_s_pad[:2] = kappa_s[0] kappa_s_pad[-2:] = kappa_s[-1] tau_pad[2:-2] = tau tau_pad[:2] = tau[0] tau_pad[-2:] = tau[-1] tau_s_pad[:] = 0.0 #tau_s_pad[2:-2] = tau_s #tau_s_pad[:2] = tau_s[0] #tau_s_pad[-2:] = tau_s[-1] return kappa_pad, kappa_s_pad, tau_pad, tau_s_pad
# end of class SpaceCurve