
class timeseries.Signal(values, times=None)[source]
Signal.feature([index]) return the region of a feature, with vertical displacement threshold tau.
Signal.feature_match(other[, sigma, num_samples])
Signal.from_pointcloud(points, direction, norm)
Signal.gap() Return the largest homology.
Signal.height_measure([sigma, num_samples, …]) Use a simulation to estimate the height-measure of an interval.
Signal.interval_height(interval) the indicator-persistence function for intervals, called h_U(A) in the notes.
Signal.iter_features([min_pers, depth_first]) walk the feature tree.
Signal.iter_intervals() return the itertools combinations iterator over all sub-intervals.
Signal.iter_windows_by_index(window[, step, …]) Produce equal-length Signals using a sliding-window on self.
Signal.jagged([beta]) call timeseries.jagged() on this Signal’s own persistence diagram.
Signal.normalize() change this Signal object to have mean = 0 and max-min = 1
Signal.plot(canvas[, title]) Plot the Signal.
Signal.profile(arch[, normalize, norm]) produce profile by dragging an archetype across self, looking for matches.
Signal.sample_near([sigma]) return a Signal object that is L2-near self in the normal distribution.
Signal.self_similarity(window[, step, …]) Compare sliding windows of this Signal using a distance function.

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