
SpaceCurve.slide(window=60000000000, time_step=1000000000, time_start=None, time_stop=None, overlap_ends=True)[source]

Produce equal-time SpaceCurves using a sliding-window on self.

window : int

length of window in nanoseconds (default = 60*10**9 or 1 minute)

time_step : int

step size in nanoseconds between window starting-points (default = 1*10** or 1 second)

time_start : int

start time in nanoseconds (default = None, min time)

time_stop : int

stop time in nanoseconds (default = None, max time)

overlap_ends : bool

Should endpoints overlap (True) or abutt (False) (default = True)

iterator of SpaceCurves
To access the tracks as a list, do
:code:`list( FT.snip() )`


The trackids are unchanged! You might want to change them manually.